The Great Gold Renaissance

The Untold Story of the Modern Australian Gold Boom 1982-2002

This book has been out-of-print for several years. However, a second edition is now available, to coincide with the publication of its sequel. Below is the very brief summary of The Great Gold Renaissance, dating from when the First Edition was published in 2002.

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“A little over twenty (now almost forty) years ago, the Australian gold industry was on its last legs. Today it is a $5 billion (now $25 billion) business. Australia is now one of the world’s leading gold producers and gold is its third largest single export earner. The Great Gold Renaissance looks at this remarkable transformation and how it was achieved. How higher prices, new technology and Australian ingenuity led to a twenty-fold increase in gold production and how Australia led the world in innovative financing and marketing methods. Written by someone with hands-on experience – a recognised gold industry expert and former geologist, banker and corporate executive – the book is packed with facts. It is the definitive record of Australia’s greatest gold boom and also tells many stories of the people and companies that made it all happen.”